Understanding Why Dogs Tear Paper and Tissues

Your dog loves to shred any paper, whether it is toilet paper rolls or newspapers that are lying around. Find out why dogs like to shred papers and what you can try to stop them.

It’s not uncommon for dogs to enjoy shredding tissue and paper. For example, it could be curiosity or an instinct. You should still keep a close eye on such behavior. This behavior can also be an indication of boredom or anxiety. If your dog also eats paper, this can be even more dangerous.

Dogs are instinctively inclined to shred paper.

Even the most docile lapdog is a predator. Every dog will instinctively try to “shred” to death any prey they find. The handkerchiefs or paper he finds in the garbage can represents, so to say, his game to the four-legged friends – he shakes them and bites until they “kill.”

Dogs are also naturally curious. Your dog will be attracted to the smell of your newspaper or used tissues. It is possible that leftover packaging in the wastebasket has food residue or food odors stuck to it. Some dogs will not resist the temptation to fish trash from the garbage can. Then, their instinctive behavior of hunting prey takes over.

Sometimes, pregnant bitches and bitches with fake pregnancies tear up fabric or paper to make nests for their puppies. It is usually accompanied by digging or pawing on the couch, etc.

There are some dog breeds that are particularly susceptible to shredding paper, such as:

* Boxers
* Maltese
* Golden Retriever
* Cairn Terrier

Any dog can shred paper.

If your dog is bored, he will shred any piece of paper.
As soon as your dog leaves your sight even for a few moments, he will destroy it.
 He may be bored and shred paper to pass the time. Shredding newspapers, tissues and other papers also rewards him because it serves his predatory instincts.

Attention is the motivation behind the “shredder” on four legs

It is possible that you have reinforced the unwanted behavior inadvertently. Dogs love attention and do not differentiate between praise and reprimand. If you punish your dog for shredding papers, he will see no reason to stop.

Stress could be a cause of the paper fight

The act of shredding paper has a rewarding and soothing effect on dogs. When they are anxious or stressed, some dogs will lie around the paper to try and get away.

Have you noticed any changes in your home recently? You may have noticed a change in your household, like a detergent that is different from what you are used to. You may also be feeling stressed and unconsciously upset your pet.

In this case, the shredding is done by dogs. Animals and humans both display this seemingly out of context behavior when they are experiencing an internal conflict. People, for instance, will clean their glasses or bite their nails even if they aren’t dirty. Then, dogs like to tear up paper.

Can a dog eat paper?

If your dog shreds the paper, it is not dangerous. If he eats it, however, he may suffer from digestive issues. Your dog will either vomit up or excrete it.

In an emergency situation, the paper can cause intestinal obstruction. It is important to have this repaired surgically as soon as possible, otherwise life can be at risk.

It is important to be cautious if the paper has toxic ingredients, like cleaning wipes or disinfectant wipes. You can give charcoal tablets to your dog as an emergency. You should take your dog to the veterinarian or animal hospital immediately afterward. It would be helpful if you took with you the packaging from the wet-wipes so that the doctor could identify the toxic substance.

The best way to stop your dog from shredding papers
is to make sure your dog cannot easily get the paper.
 He uses only paper baskets that have lids, and keeps kitchen rolls and tissues out of reach.

Please don’t just leave the newspaper or magazine on your coffee table. Put them somewhere your dog cannot reach. You can also help your dog by keeping the bathroom door shut at all times.

You should offer your dog alternative options so that he is able to follow his instincts in spite of everything. It is possible that your dog will no longer tear up paper, but instead destroy your furniture or shoes.

A Kong filled with treats, for example, will keep your dog occupied and provide him with pleasure. This can be achieved by using a chew bone, dried beef skin or rubber toys.

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